
Healthy Sleep Starts From The Inside.

Though external factors play a role in sleep, our physical & mental wellness, lifestyle choices, stress management and nutrition all significantly impact the quality of sleep for all ages. Healthy sleep is connected to other aspects of our health including: physical, mental & emotional wellbeing. It is truly a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle.

At Quiet Moments Wellness, we use the power of holistic nutrition, sleep hygiene principles and the pillars of wellness to address the root cause of sleep challenges. By correcting imbalances in the body that have created current symptoms, we optimize sleep quality and overall wellness. Our sleep approach does not utilize any form of sleep training, behavioral methods or separation based techniques at any age. We approach sleep work from a place of connection and emotional safety. By combining our expertise in both sleep and nutrition, we deliver not only sustainable change in sleep but transformation in overall wellness.

Sleep not a concern? No problem - head over to our nutritional support page to see how we can help with other aspects of health.

We offer sleep support, nutritional sleep support and nutritional services. For teen and adult sleep, please visit our nutritional services page.

Some extended health plans will cover our nutrition services. Ask you insurance provider if the services of a Registered Orthomolecular Holistic Practitioner are covered.


Sleep Services


Embracing Wellness For Restful Sleep

At Quiet Moments Wellness, we know that our wellness impacts the quality of our sleep and because we know this, our approach includes working with movement, nutrition, emotional wellbeing, and sleep strategies (without sleep training methods) to ensure transformative and sustainable change. Our sleep approach does not utilize any form of sleep training, behavioral methods or separation based techniques at any age - it doesn’t have to because we can improve sleep without it.

This approach allows us to not only optimize sleep but also support other aspects of wellness resulting in:

  • Improved attention & focus

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Better problem solving

  • Reduced irritability

  • Better ability to cope with stress

  • Increased energy levels

  • Improved memory

  • Improved academic, sport, work performance

  • Strengthened immunity

  • and more..

This is how we create sustainable and life transforming change.

This is how we embrace wellness for restful sleep.

This is how we move beyond sleep training.

We offer sleep support as well as nutritional sleep support for deeper underlying issues from newborns to teens.



Ask you to stop comfort nursing, nursing to sleep or take away a soother if you do not want to, but can show you how to use them and still optimize your child’s sleep, if you wish.


Ask you to drop night feeds, rather we will share how you can still keep night feeds and optimize your child’s sleep.


Ask you to withhold comfort from your child as we fully understand that children need to co-regulate to self-regulate.


Pass judgement for anything you have tried in the past ( parenting is SO hard!), rather honor you that you chose to work with us on your parenting journey. If you have sleep trained and now changed your mind, you are welcome here.


This approach focuses on the best solution for the family unit that is both organic and sustainable. Your goals are OUR goals. We believe you know where you need to be - and our work is to help you get there.




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