A holistic nutritionist deeply understands that one’s state of health is influenced by many factors including your body, mind, emotions, and environment. The completion of an in-depth assessment allows us to recommend interventions that will help correct the imbalances in the body and address the root cause as opposed to only addressing the symptom. There is no cookie cutter approach here, every person is different and as such every plan we create is different.

At Quiet Moments Wellness, we honor and respect the deep relationship that people have with food and eating. It is not always as simple as placing a certain food in your mouth, there is a lot of psychology behind eating. By understanding this we can provide recommendations and work with you in a way where you are “seen” for who you really are. Stress eating, emotional eating, habitual eating, disordered eating, shame and guilt around certain food, body image, using food as a reward, viewing exercise as a consequence of eating certain foods, the strong need to “burn off” a piece of cake, the need to exercise harder to “earn” a certain food  - this goes beyond what we eat and cross into WHY we eat the way we eat.  These need to gently be worked with so that sustainable change that feels good and SAFE to the person can be made.

We do work with sleep - and we support sleep for teenagers and adults through nutrition, lifestyle, physical activity, stress management and emotional wellness - all aspects of holistic nutrition. Not only will sleep improve, but overall wellness will also. You truly can move out of surviving into thriving with the right approach and manageable steps that fit who you are and what you can reasonably handle.


Conditions That Can Benefit From Holistic Nutrition:

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • ADHD

  • Digestive disorders

  • Burn out

  • Weight loss/gain ( without fad dieting)

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

  • Yeast infections

  • Fatigue/low energy

  • Eczema

  • Acne

  • Fertility

  • Pregnancy and postpartum period

  • Children’s health

  • And more…

We Do Not Encourage:

  • Supplementation in place of a meal,

  • Fad diets,

  • Cutting out massive food groups with no real reason to do so (and if it needs to be done, how can we support the body to be able to eat that food again)

  • Giving up cultural foods, foods you enjoy and even comfort foods!

  • Placing excessive stress on the body in the “name of health”

Why Choose Us?

We create personalized nutrition plans tailored to your unique goals. You will receive a comprehensive in-depth assessment to uncover the root of your imbalances, a customized plan that is designed to correct those imbalances and ongoing support to help you make the changes needed to positively impact your overall wellness. Sometimes, working together for a longer time may be best to ensure success, in these circumstances customized packages can be made.


Please note that we are a food first approach however, some supplements may be required to help you reach your goal. Our intention is to always recommend quality brands, in the correct dosages for the shortest amount of time to reach the goal. You can purchase the recommended supplement through us, or another vendor.  The reason for any supplement recommendation will be  provided to you, so you are aware of why we are recommending it.

**Some extended health plans will cover our nutrition services. Ask you insurance provider if the services of a Registered Orthomolecular Holistic Practitioner are covered.


Initial Assessment

60-90 minute assessment

Current health concerns-main issues

Personal health history-factors relating to current health

Identify nutritional imbalances-dietary assessment

Lifestyle influences

Interpret and discuss main factors affecting health

Personalized nutrition plan

Lifestyle recommendations



Follow Up Appointment

Follow up appointments are an important part of the journey and can be anywhere between 3 weeks to 2 months from our initial appointment, depending on the concerns. These appointments allow us to assess your progress and to make any changes to our recommendations to support continued improvement.

Though the process of bringing the body back into balance takes time, our goal is to resolve the concern(s) as soon as possible to help your get on with living their best life.

Follow up appointments are 60 minutes in length.