Are you tired of fad diets, and mealtime indecisions?

Do you have a specific health goal in mind, dietary restrictions/ preferences or have a busy lifestyle?  

 If you are looking to learn more about nutrition and making food choices that suit your body’s needs, we can help you with that! Our meal plans are highly personalized, realistic, based on your food preferences, built with food sensitivities/allergies as well as cultural and religious restrictions in mind.

Eating does not have to be boring or feel like a chore - and very often it also does not have to be as restrictive as many are led to believe.

Who Can Benefit:

  • Fitness Enthusiasts: Whether you're an athlete, gym-goer, or just starting your fitness journey, our meal plan can provide the fuel your body needs to support your physical activity and recovery.

  • Moms and Moms-to-Be: Pregnancy and motherhood come with unique nutritional needs. Our meal plans for moms are designed to provide the nourishment you need to support a healthy pregnancy or postpartum recovery.

  • Busy Professionals and Parents: Juggling a hectic schedule? Our meal plans take the stress out of meal prep.

  • Those Seeking to Improve Gut Health: If you're focusing on gut health, our holistic approach includes foods that support a healthy digestive system, promoting overall well-being.

  • Individuals on a Wellness Journey: Whether you're on a weight management journey, addressing specific health concerns, or simply seeking changes to your eating habits, our meal plans can help you start that journey.


What Our Meal Plans Include:

  • Personalized Menus: Tailored to your dietary preferences, health goals, and lifestyle.

  • Nutritionist-Approved Recipes: Enjoy delicious, easy-to-make recipes.

  • Education: Learn about the nutritional benefits of each meal, empowering you to make informed choices beyond the meal plan.

  • Ongoing Support: We are here to guide you. Receive continuous support and insights to help you stay on track

    **Some extended health plans will cover our nutrition services. Ask you insurance provider if the services of a Registered Orthomolecular Holistic Practitioner are covered.

At Quiet Moments Wellness, we offer 2 options to start you on this journey:

Single Session

A 60 minute call to discuss minor adjustments to current eating habits.

No meal plan provided.


4 Week Meal Plan

Initial intake questionnaire.

4 week personalized meal plan.

60 minute call to discuss and answer questions.

30 minute follow up session within 4 weeks.