Troubleshooting Call


Our Troubleshooting Call is designed for those looking for sleep recommendations for minor sleep concerns. If you're experiencing a minor hiccup in your child's sleep routine and need guidance, this option is for you.

Please keep in mind that while this call offers actionable recommendations, it doesn't replace the comprehensive support provided in our full-service package. The assessment process during the Troubleshooting Call is more streamlined, which means our recommendations may not be as personalized as in our full package.

If, after the call, you decide that a full support package is the right fit for your needs, let us know. The fee you paid for the Troubleshooting Call will be deducted from the cost of the support package. This offer remains valid for two weeks following your Troubleshooting Call.

This call is also suitable for school age support.


Some examples of sleep situations where you may prefer this option include:


You are interested in learning how to gently wean your child from the pacifier.


You have worked with a sleep consultant before and understand/are familiar with sleep basics.


We have worked together previously, and you have a minor sleep concern that does not need the support of a full package.

You are looking for guidance through a developmental sleep progression phase to continue to optimize your child’s sleep.


You are looking for guidance with a nap transition or a daycare sleep adjustment.


You are looking for guidance with traveling, daylight savings, new sibling arrival or transition from crib to bed.


This Package Includes

A review of your current sleep challenge summary.

A 60 minute telephone call where recommendations are shared to optimize sleep.

One follow up email with the main points discussed during the call.